Meaningful work for the digital professional part 3: how to think about building digital skills

Meaningful work for the digital professional part 3: how to think about building digital skills

Part 3 of our ‘Meaningful work for the digital professional’ series with Ernst & Young (EY) h...

Show notes

Part 3 of our ‘Meaningful work for the digital professional’ series with Ernst & Young (EY) hosted by Narayanan Vaidyanathan focuses on how professional accountants can build their digital skills and the importance of balancing those skills with other skill sets.Panellists include ACCA Chief Executive Helen Brand EY EMEA Public Policy Leader Andrew Hobbs; EY Canada Assurance Digital & Innovation Leader Daniela Carcasole; EY Global Assurance, Audit methodology and Analytics leader Alan Young; and Prime Global CEO Stephen Heathcoate. Conversation highlights:Helen (0.32 secs), developing human skills that enable effective use of technology skills Stephen (2.43 mins), having a learning mindset, how small practices are developing complete talents of accountants, Alan (6.58 mins), managers roles in encouraging their employees to develop their skillsDaniela (9.50 mins), the value of personal passion and curiosity to step outside comfort zones, the role of GIG workersAndrew (16.52 mins), developing multidisciplinary skillsets and the organisational environment required to make that happen

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