Meaningful work for the digital professional part 1

Meaningful work for the digital professional part 1

In the first of a four-part series on Meaningful work for the digital professional, which is base...

Show notes

In the first of a four-part series on Meaningful work for the digital professional, which is based on our joint report of the same title with Ernst & Young (EY), Head of Business Insights in Professional Insights, Narayanan Vaidyanathan introduces the start of an engaging discussion with four panellists about what meaningful work means to each of them. The series will explore: Part 2 - the state of play on digital adoption (the journey to digital adoption, risks, challenges, opportunities and rewards), Part 3 - how to think about building digital skills and Part 4 - the impact of Covid-19 on the digital agenda. Panellists include ACCA Chief Executive Helen Brand, Prime Global CEO Stephen Heathcoate, and three leaders from EY: EMEA Public Policy Leader, Andrew Hobbs; Canada Assurance Digital & Innovation Leader, Daniela Carcasole and Global Assurance, Audit methodology and Analytics leader Alan Young.Read the 'Meaningful work for the digital profession' report

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