Episode 39: Industries of the future Part 2 - waste, plastics and going circular

Episode 38: Episode 39: Industries of the future Part 2 - waste, plastics and going circular

In this episode, we explore the problems of plastics and waste with Dr Mushtaq Memon, United Nati...

Show notes

In this episode, we explore the problems of plastics and waste with Dr Mushtaq Memon, United Nations Environment Programme in Bangkok Thailand, Matt Morris and James Harmer from the Cambridge Design Partnership.The conversation covers the opportunity of redesign and rethinking how products and services can be reimagined to serve us and the planet better, how to promote more sustainable lifestyles that demand fewer materials use ‘by design’, and as a result, have less of an impact and provide us with better experiences. Find out more about their work: https://www.unep.org/regions/asia-and-pacific https://www.cambridge-design.com

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